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TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

What's one weird belief you used to have when you were a kid?

   One weird belief I had when I was a kid was that if you swallowed black watermelon seeds, a watermelon would grow inside your stomach. When I was a kid I would pick all the seeds out of my watermelon and tear it up before I ate any pieces. I only believed this about the black watermelon seeds specifically, not any other fruit’s seeds. One time I accidentally ate one and that is the moment I finally realized nothing bad would happen to me if I accidentally swallowed a seed. I am still not sure whether I came up with this belief on my own or if someone told me that would happen to me. Regardless, I am glad I no longer believe watermelons will grow in my stomach if I accidentally swallow a black seed.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Welcome

What's one weird underrated quality you find attractive in a person? Why?

   There are many qualities that make a person “attractive” in my eyes. I think an underrated quality that I notice in people I find attractive is consistency. Consistency, to me, means more than just being consistent with our relationship but with life in general. This can be with jobs, school and family/friends. I think consistency shows you can truly rely on a person which is an important quality that instantly makes someone more attractive in my eyes.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

If you could be born in another era in history, which would you choose? Why?

If I had the choice to be born in another era I would probably choose the 1950’s because I always think of the movie Grease. I think I would choose this era because I am so curious as to what life was like prior to all the technology advances we have today. I also like the style of clothing during this era, I think it is unique. The poodle skirts have always caught my eye. Whenever I watch a movie set in the 1950’s the fashion is always what sticks out to me. It was also right after the war so the economy was doing well and life was good, it was even referred to as “the Golden Age”.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

When I am angry, I tend to.....


When I am angry, I tend to cry. Whenever I get angry I find that I have a difficult time processing how I feel and why I feel angry. This results in me having a build up of emotion and crying instead of handling my anger in a proper way. I also usually get quiet, I do not say anything because I feel if I do, I will just cry even more. I can’t ever process my anger properly which results in many unresolved fights that I have with my family/friends. For me, being angry is the worst feeling because I just can’t convey my feelings and clear up the real situation.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

If your life were a video game, which level would be the most difficult to get through? Why?

I think if my life were a video game, the most difficult level to get through would be the level after college. The time where I have just graduated and moved back home with my mom while being an adult. This is going to be a difficult time because I have to readjust to living at home at 23 years old. I also think this time is confusing because I will be getting my first real job with my degree and trying to move out. During this time it is difficult because all our college friends are separating and we actually have to maintain friendships while having a distance between us. This can be difficult. I also think it is complicated for relationships as well. At this point in our lives everyone is at a different point and maturing differently. I think it is difficult to deal with fading friendships and relationships. Another thing to consider is having real responsibility, having my own classroom and students. I think this will be a difficult adjustment for me because I have to manage my career and my personal life all while trying to move out of my parent’s house as well. I just think this period of my life will be very challenging and confusing to navigate through.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

What is one phrase you wish you could ban from everyone's vocabulary? Why?

If I could ban one word from everyone's vocabulary it would be “dope”. This word was always used by the boys in my high school and they overused it to the point where it annoys me so much. They would use it to describe something that was “cool” or “awesome”. I just never understood why it was being used in that context. Dope also is used to refer to drugs as well so I just never understood the connection between something being “cool” and drugs.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

If you could become Earth's official tour guide to aliens, where would you take them? Why?

If I was giving aliens a tour of Earth I would take them on a cruise. I would do this to show them how big the ocean is considering it takes up most of our planet. I also want to see if they can swim like fish or breathe in salt water because we don’t know anything about them. I also want the aliens to enjoy their time on Earth and cruises are fun. They will get to meet so many exotic people while traveling to beautiful countries. They will get to see so many beautiful sandy beaches that Earth has to offer. I am also curious if aliens can get a sun tan so I am sure I would find this out while on a cruise with them.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: About

What's something about your life now you would miss when you're 80? Why?

Something I will miss when I am 80 is the ability to move and do what I want. Whenever I would go to my great grandma’s nursing home, all the old people looked trapped. Most of the time you are unable to move around without some type of assistance. Whether this be a wheel chair, walker, or a nurse. I just think that after a certain age humans lose a lot of their independence and have to rely on others and that scares me. I also think I will miss having family and friends around me. When people are in their 80’s they lose many loved ones and I am scared it will be a lonely time.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text

Describe a new Olympic sport in which you would definitely medal

I wouldn’t win a medal in any type of athletic competition ever. However, if there was an olympic competition for procrastination I would win gold. I tend to procrastinate pretty much everything in my life. This means chores, getting ready, waking up, or homework. I never have motivation to work until I am in a time crunch. I have been trying to work on this because it is a terrible habit to have. In the meantime though, I would take gold.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text

Imagine your daily routine had been turned into a reality show. Which parts would be most talked about? Why?

I do not think my life is exciting enough to have a reality show. However, if I did that have one I think the most exciting part of my days are my free days with my friends. We always like to have a good time and do fun things. We like to think that we're absolute comedians so hopefully the viewers of my reality show would agree. I think people would talk about this portion of my day the most because it is probably the most interesting part considering I don't do to much.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text

What's one sign that you would probably stay friends with someone for life? How do you know?

One thing I appreciate within my friendships is loyalty. You can always tell a lot about a person by the way they talk about their other friends. This is something I always pay attention to when I meet people, so if they speak highly of their friends even when they aren't around, I know I will stay friends with them. This just shows me that they are a loyal person and truly think highly of their friends which is exactly the type of friends I like to keep in my life.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text

Imagine we all had to start over on Mars and you were responsible for choosing who gets to part of Humanity 2.0. How would you decide on who to accept?

I would administer a driving test to humanity. This way only people who know how to correctly drive will be allowed to own a car on mars. I would accept everyone because I do not like to leave people out, but I do not support bad drivers. This way there will be no more road rage in humanity. In our new life, if you did not pass my drivers test you will be forced to walk everywhere.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text

 Describe a moment that made you feel like a real grown-up.

The first time I ever truly felt like an adult was when I had to pay my own rent for the first time. I had to work all month to save up that money, then instantly just gone. Paying bills was what made me truly feel like a grown up because you have to work to pay for everything. I remember feeling so proud and sad the first time I paid my rent. I was proud because I worked hard and most people my age did not have to pay their own rent/bills. That made me feel hard working and accomplished, but I felt so sad just watching the money leave my account. I was also sad I couldn’t spend my money in fun things like I did when I was younger.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text

If you didn't have to sleep every night, what would you do with all the extra time?

If I didn’t have to sleep, I would have so much extra time I wouldn’t know how to handle it. I think that I would probably spend this time doing things I do not have to do throughout my day. I would do things like homework, clean, or watch shows. I would most likely focus this time on homework though. I probably wouldn't be behind on any assignments if I didn’t have to sleep. I would have more time to do things I enjoy during the day if I could focus on my homework at night.

TCH 237 Writing Into the Week: Text
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