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Writing Projects: About

Challenge One

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Writing Projects: About

Challenge 3

Investigation Mixtape

Writing Projects: Text


   This experience taught me that different perspectives are so important. I specifically wanted to ask my non-teacher friends and acquaintances about their opinions on equality and equity. This is something we deal with in the classroom daily, so I wanted to get other people's perspective. It was really eye opening, and reassuring that everyone understands what equity is and sees the importance. I think the equity comes from the whole community, it is not just the schools job to create an equitable environment. After talking to people within the community, it made me really happy to see everyone has a solid understanding of this concept. 

   Understanding different perspectives of humans is essentially one of the most important skills humans need to learn in my opinion. This is how we are able to collaborate and work with one another, you have to be able to understand that everyone views things in a different lens due to many reasons. This includes, cultures, upbringing, and education. Perspective is what makes us all unique, if we all thought the same and saw the world the same, this would be a very boring world to live in. Perspective plays an essential role in how we perceive situations as well. I often hear people retell a story and another person will say, “That is not how it happened”, but from the talker's perspective, that might be how it happened because that is how they interpreted it. Understanding perspectives is an essential trait in the human race. 

  This challenge helped me realize the importance of communicating with others on ideas you feel passionate about. It allows you to see others' thoughts and misconceptions that you might have never thought of. It also allows you to see misconceptions your students might have as well because they too, have different perspectives. I also think about ways I want to include perspective in my classroom. I want to include it because it is such an important life skill for all humans to have. 

Writing Projects: Text
Writing Projects: Video

Why do writers write?

Writing Projects: Text

Playful Mini-Lesson

Writing Projects: Text

Multi-Genre Project

Writing Projects: Text
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